Want to join our team? We are seeking new volunteers!

We are delighted to announce that we are now seeking new volunteers to join our team!

We would love to hear from you if you have an interest in volunteering for our Saturday drop-in social group, or if you are interested in leading a new social group - we'd love to hear your ideas!

Get in contact by emailing info@amachlgbt.com to express your interest.

AMACH! LGBT Galway aims to reflect equally the diversity within the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community by encouraging positive participation from the community. We actively advocate to achieve a solid and safe support structure for the LGBT+ community in Galway. We aim to provide awareness, educational and training events and workshops, and endeavour to support and promote a socially inclusive society.


Teach Solais LGBT+ Resource Centre and the office of AMACH! LGBT Galway CLG are located at 1 Courthouse Square, Galway H91 VF21.
Phone: 089 497 5162.
