Calls for Hate Crime Legislation to be Put in Place as a Priority

In the wake of the horrendous, vicious and brutal attack on two men in Newbridge (Friday 31st January) LGBT Ireland is calling for Hate Crime legislation to be put in place as a priority so perpetrators of these homophobic attacks can be punished and  to send a clear message that homophobia is a crime and to give the powers to the Guards and the criminal justice system to prosecute and punish these criminals and acts of violence.

Paula Fagan CEO of LGBT Ireland said “We have been raising the need for Hate Crime legislation with General Election candidates from all parties over the past two weeks, calling on them to make it a top priority if they are elected. This brutal attack last evening should signal to politicians that urgent action is needed to send out a clear message that Hate Crime will not be tolerated in this country.”  

LGBT Ireland sends its’ sympathies and best wishes for a speedy recovery to the couple, the victims  of this vicious attack and urges anyone affected by hate speech or crimes to report them to the Guards.

A helpline and web chat is also available from LGBT Ireland on and 1890 929 539

AMACH! LGBT Galway aims to reflect equally the diversity within the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community by encouraging positive participation from the community. We actively advocate to achieve a solid and safe support structure for the LGBT+ community in Galway. We aim to provide awareness, educational and training events and workshops, and endeavour to support and promote a socially inclusive society.

Teach Solais LGBT+ Resource Centre and the office of AMACH! LGBT Galway CLG are located at 1 Courthouse Square, Galway H91 VF21.
Phone: 089 497 5162.